Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Guess who's back? Tell a friend!

I've noticed a lot more of my mommy friends are blogging these days and I felt a little bit jealous. I haven't used this for about a year, and a lot has changed however today feels a little more like the old days.

Zach is back at work for the first time since October today. He broke two fingers the day before Halloween on a non-regular workday when they were crushed beneath some fitness equipment. After a surgery that was only half successful and months of physical therapy, he is approved for light duty for four hours at a time twice a week. Don't worry, he's been getting paid this whole time. He does require another surgery though- it seems only the middle finger (thank goodness for that since it is one of his favorites!) that was corrected with a plate is progressing. The index finger was fixed with pins and needs a plate now. (I'm not a doctor, but maybe they should have just fixed them both with plates to begin with??) That surgery will probably be scheduled after another consultation on Thursday.

Today it is just me and Declan for now, although we have to leave for preschool in half an hour. We played restaurant for a bit this morning, but more and more it feels like I am bothering him and he wants to play independantly on his ds (handed down from Riley when Ry needed a new one since he broke the bottom screen- the old one still works for some games and Dec was thrilled that Riley wanted to give it to him!) or swordfight on Wii. He amazes me when he is swordfighting, he is wild and wicked and has the highest score of anyone in the family since he can move those little arms so much faster than we can move ours.

I've gotten a little housework done, but mostly I am waiting for the school to call. Riley seems to want to stay home more and more and comes up with fake sick excuses which the school nurse buys everytime since it is just kindergarten, not med school. We tried to figure out what was really going on, and he told a little story about how two of the kids in his class are trying to get him and his best pal to do bad things with them. He didn't elaborate on what the bad things were, but Riley gets a good star for behavior everyday in his folder so I know he isn't actually confessing something that has already happened and blaming it on some kids. I emailed the teacher but haven't heard a response yet. He is such a sweet kid, he can get the teacher to finish any of his projects he is working on just by saying please and you're so good at it (she confessed she needed to work on this but had a hard time resisting his charm) so it makes me sad to think of him feeling sad at school. So far so good, no call yesterday or today thus far.

Two and a half weeks til my due date for little Archer. I am a little nervous about the labor just because everything else has been so different about this pregnancy. I hope this one is uneventful like the other two were... and I know I won't remember quite how badly it hurts until it is already happening again! Although at this point, he is coming out one way or another so I better just suck it up! Just about ready for him though, just need Zach to put a few more things together but I try not to rush him with these since he has only one regularly functioning hand. I guess I could do it myself but that would hurt his feelings, so I just try to be patient.

I may miss Zach a little since he is at work for the first time in months, but I am perfectly content with that feeling since it means I get a little just me time during preschool...

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