Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well my plan to eat spicy tacos for dinner last night did NOT send me into labor as hoped. However it did cause plenty of other unpleasant side effects. Add that to my favorite daily headache that I woke up with and I am feeling a little frustrated. I'm hoping that the taco effects will at least be over with by mid morning so I can take Dec to the Dollar Tree as I promised I would before he has preschool this afternoon. He has Valentine's money ($5!!) burning a hole in his little pocket.

The good news is that hubby has therapy every day this week (which apparently doesn't feel very fabulous after having surgery on Tuesday) and he made his appointment at a time that would allow him to drive Riley to school first and then head straight to Lancaster for pt. His appointment tomorrow allows him to pick Riley up from school and head straight there- taking Ry with him! (Riley LOVES physical therapy, he does all the activities and encourages his Daddy as well- super cute stuff.) Is it wrong to already be planning a way to make Dec fall asleep tomorrow afternoon so I can get a nap??

In other news, it is so nice to see the grass again-even if it is dead. I am thinking maybe a walk later today for some fresh air, get the scooters out... basically just not be sitting on the couch no matter how inviting that sounds.

1 comment:

  1. You have to hold on until Jeni's bean bag comes in lol.... stop trying to go into labor!
