Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Haircuts, headaches and leg cramps

At the risk of sounding whiny (and this is a risk I am willing to take!), I cannot wait until this baby is born! I have had bad headaches since Saturday (so this would be the 5th day) that go away with tylenol but come back a few hours later in the exact same place. Tylenol just isn't strong enough to keep it away! After some facebookers urged me to consider pre-eclampsia, I checked my symptoms and don't have any of the other ones besides having a headache. And supposedly the type of headache would be all over and not just in one spot, like they are. I have had only normal BPS through this pregnancy, but I am going to check at the grocery store since I'm going there anyway just to make sure that remains true. I hate feeling like this, it makes me into a lazy person who just wants to nap when I have a million things I could be doing instead. My next dr. appointment is on Friday, so I will definitely be mentioning this at that time. I've also been getting leg cramps... maybe I need more fluids? After all, then I could go to the bathroom every 20 minutes instead of every 30!

Other than that, things are pretty tame here. Today isn't one of the days that Zach has to go to work or even therapy so I am happy he is here playing with Dec since I don't feel well. He even took Riley to school which is normally something I do (and enjoy doing) so I didn't have to.

The boys got haircuts last night at the barber shop. This is the first time they have been to anyone besides my grandma and I couldn't believe how well they both did! Riley behaved and sat relatively still, and chatted cutely with the girl the whole time. Declan didn't move a muscle and did everything she told him to. (By this time, freshly shorn Riley was bouncing all over the shop but at least his hair was already finished). I really need to remember to pick up a new charger for my camera since the other one mysteriously vanished so I can take pictures of these moments- and obviously a big moment coming up!

Here's a question though... what do you do when your child says something embarrassing in public about another person? I wanted to get up and flee with them before they could speak up because I knew seeing someone as different as a little person wasn't going to go well. Sure enough, Declan saw him first (mostly because Zach had already grabbed Riley and was coaching him through the moment) and wanted to know why that man was so little? It was so loud and he wasn't being mean or laughing, he just wanted to know. I just said people are all different heights and left it at that but I wasn't sure if I should have done more? Or if it was best mostly ignored even though unless the guy was hard of hearing he must have heard the commotion that he caused when walking through the doors. I was proud of Riley though, once Zach spoke to him he kept his mouth shut, which is really hard for him to do (and I saw him gazing down towards the little person- it was definitely still on his mind!).

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