Friday, February 11, 2011


I've had the most difficult time getting the Tastefully Simple HQ personnel to update my address and it hasn't been working very well. I called them when I moved at the end of May and updated them on my info-yet the problem persists. I've had numerous things sent to my old address that in turn take twice as long to get to me (not products, just like newsletters and prizes, stuff like that) after they bounce around for awhile. The only way to update it is to talk to someone @ HQ and have them do it for you, so that's what I keep doing and for awhile I thought the problem was solved. I've been getting regular mail from HQ...until the other day when I got a shipment notification that my preordered spring items were on their way to my old address. Luckily I check my email enough to see this right away and with some help from a customer service rep @ TS was able to get the address changed before it left the UPS warehouse. I very specifically told the girl (who told me that both of the addresses were listed for me) to please DELETE the old one. So she emails me that this is completed and life is merry again. Right? WRONG! Today I get another email...something else is shipping (I think a prize that was on backorder?) to my old address. WTH?? Do I need to head out to Minnesota and fix the problem myself? What could be so difficult about this?

Luckily, I have more to be happy about today then grouchy but I did need to share that since it is just so ridiculous!

Happy Federal Tax Return Hit the Bank Day!
Time to get a minivan.

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