Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oh what a night!

Guess I better get used to long nights. Here is a little how last night went:

9:30 pm- get into bed.

10:30 pm- waken up by Zach asking me questions that must have been too pressing to wait until morning. Might as well get up and pee.

12:00 am- time to pee again, and need a bottle of water.

1:30 am- zach gets up to pee, so naturally that wakes me up and I must go too. No, I only drank a sip of that water.

2:00 am. Must have just drifted back to sleep. Logan has pinned me to the bed and I can't really move. Afraid of getting a cramp, so I kick him out of the room. Might as well pee.

4:00 am- Hear laughter coming from the boys room. They are watching the special features of a movie (Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2) and wide awake. Well, Riley is wide awake. Dec is watching but looks downright miserable and has his hands clamped over ears. Mini freakout by me. Followed by.... a pee break.

4:30 am- Still laying awake from the last wakeup. Hear the terrible dive bomb sound of a stinkbug.

4:45 am- Still looking for the stinkbug, Zach is now up too looking with me. We can't find him.

5:00 am- Since I am starting at the clock, I see the stinkbug crawl across the face of the digital time. I remove and flush him, stopping of course to pee.

6:30 am- laying awake still, head is hurting and trying desperately to fall back asleep. zach is making funny noises. I think I hear the boys stirring, too.

7:30 am- Wake up, although I don't remember falling back asleep. Logan is whining outside of the door and wants to go out to pee I think. I certainly can understand having to pee, so I get up, stopping to take care of my own needs first and let him out. Try to sneak back to my bed but the boys pop out of their room riproaring to go.

7:45 am- Taking breakfast orders and coming to terms with the fact that nighttime is officially over.

8:15 am- Bitching about it in a blog.

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