Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I've always been a sucker for Valentine's Day, love giving presents, LOVE getting the cute little kid valentines from my kids especially. Last year we got our boys pillow pets and they are still in love with them and sleep with them every single night. This year we went the route of Indian Echo Cavern gift shop toys... Riley made such a fuss about this gigantic anaconda (stuffed) he wanted when we were there last week. It was a little much for a just because present (besides we are really trying to get away from the you-get-a-present-everytime-you-go-somewhere method) but I did go back for it since I pass there on my way to the OB once a week. Dec was so tickled by the bats we saw in the cave that I got him a stuffed bat and storybook to go with it. Both were thrilled and that was my mission- definitely accomplished.

I didn't get what I wanted for Valentine's least not yet. Very unlikely that I will at this point. Just walking through the mall with the hubby yesterday had me contracting rather painfully, but still nothing productive. I was hoping if I tried some (or almost all) of the tricks upon returning from the mall that I could get something going but Archer seems no more eager to come out than his older brothers were. I know I'm not due for another 11 days but this third pregnancy has definitely done a number on my bones and I am ready to have my body back.

Bought a minivan on Saturday morning... picking it up Thursday. Zach has ligament surgery tomorow and possibly replating the one finger. Still having headaches on and off...told the doctor about it but she says I am fine. Makes it hard to do anything besides lay around with my eyes closed. And Declan is definitely not allowing that one today.

1 comment:

  1. I hate this holiday. But thats because I have the most clueless unromantic hubby EVER. :/ oh well.
