Friday, February 18, 2011

Somehow I am still alive and haven't passed out from these constant headaches. They really are the most debilitating ones I have ever experienced. Who knows if they would still be around if I could actually take something stronger than Tylenol? The doctor didn't seem concerned about them, but I plan to mention it again when I go there today. (Although I was really hoping I wouldn't be able to keep this appointment!) Woke up just about every hour last night to pee or because I needed to switch sides which I can't do without being very careful about it or my entire pelvic girdle pops and cracks, which is pretty painful. Everytime I woke up, it took awhile to fall back asleep with my head pounding. So not only does my head hurt, I'm cranky and tired.

I find I have little to no patience lately. All Declan wants to do during the time of day he is allowed to play Wii is play Mario Galaxy 2, which obviously is too challenging for him. He is really good at some other games but is obsessed with Mario and the gang so him playing Mario consists of me playing it while he dictates where I go and which levels I do. The most annoying part of all is he has favorite galaxies and we have to do some of them over and over even though we don't get anything for doing them anymore, since they are technically complete. I am not a videogame person, at all.

So that is my griping for the day. The good news is that it is gorgeously warm outside and Friday. As much as I want this baby to be born, I could actually use some weekend without him where I can hopefully sleep past 6:30.

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