Monday, April 4, 2011

Haven't had a chance to blog in awhile (or fold the mountain of laundry, for that matter!)-just so busy adjusting to this little guy. He is still colicky in the evenings, but he is either more comfortable because his senses are improving or it is just naturally winding down because he has skipped a few evenings lately. So that is good...isn't really sleeping any better at night..3 hours is still the maximum, and he kills his 4 oz at every wake-up. Maybe he needs 5 oz at a time? That seems like a lot-an ounce for every week he's been around! The other boys are doing well, Riley is still ultra sensitive and faking out of school every other week. He cries so easily, and then Zach and I end up arguing because I scold Zach (later) for being hard on him when we know how sensitive he is. Some people are just not thick skinned- and he is only six! Declan ruptured an eardrum (at least that is what the dr thinks via the phone and webmd agrees) but it will apparently heal on its own in 1-2 weeks. If he complains of any more pain, he will need to be seen to make sure the rupture isn't infected, but for now he is just extra gooey. Yuck.

I had a whole list of things in my head that I wanted to blog about..but naturally, Archer just woke up so that won't be happening anytime soon.

To be continued...

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