Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Enter Sandman

Things are getting a little easier, especially as far as fussy time goes. Fussy time used to last for 2 1/2-3 hours of passing Archer back and forth and standing and walking around. Now he fusses for maybe a half an hour to an hour at the very most and doesn't do it every day anymore. (With exception to the beautiful day on Monday when I think my poor little man was just sticky and hot) His first "sleep" of the night is usually the best, but at the very most was 4 hours (and that only happened twice, usually it's three max). After that he is up every two-two and half hours. Every couple of nights he wakes up around 3 and won't go back to sleep. He isn't fussy at this point, he is just awake and won't be laid down or put in a bouncy seat of course. So I have to sit up and keep talking and playing with him. Today he finally fell back asleep at 5:30 am and then was back up by 7:30, starving and acting really awake. So I got up and got myself in gear and he is sleeping still, (fell asleep while eating) and so is the other person home, Declan.

Love him to pieces, but I am so tired these days. I have been wanting to go back to school for summer classes, but honestly I don't think I will be going until the fall at this point. I am registered though, just in case he should surprise me and start sleeping a little better for me. During the day, his naps have gotten a little better, we are almost in a routine with that. 1-2 hrs in the late morning, 2 hrs in the late afternoon, bedtime is between 8 and 9.

The only thing that kept me from falling back asleep myself is spending some quality time with Declan...what a litle brat, still asleep. He has been such a help with the baby and handling the jealousy pretty well. He seems to be doing ok back in preschool now, for awhile he was crying and wanting us all of a sudden (which he never even did when preschool started in the fall) but that seems to be wrapping up, hopefully.

Riley is still acting out, but seems to be doing a little better with certain parts of it.. he has come to terms with the fact that I do mean business when I say it is time to do homework and no he won't be playing wii until he has completed it without whining. I am doing a little better with standing behind Zach when he sends him to his room or takes something away from him.... I hate seeing my baby upset, but at the end of the day Riley does still love me even when I've punished him. Parenting is harder than I thought it would be...I thought once they weren't babies anymore it would get a little easier- but it is definitely a whole new set of challenges.

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