Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Several paragraphs- and he's still sleeping!

A few things...

Declan DID have a ruptured/punctured eardrum. He now has antibiotics and eardrops and it should heal itself in about a week. They can be caused by allergies, loud noises, a blow to the head, or the ever popular sticking something in your ear. Declan has allergies, it's always pretty loud in our house, he had had several bumps to his head wrestling with Riley in the past week and we also caught him coming down the stairs with q-tips sticking out of both ears last week. How's that for a run-on sentence?

Archer took a fabulous nap yesterday...fell asleep on the way to pick up Riley (so like 2:30ish) and didn't wake up until after 5 in the car on the way home from the doctors. He slept through the entire visit. :) He made up for it by being awake last night for well over an hour after a feeding...which is NOT his usual style. He wasn't crying though- small miracles.

I registered for my classes yesterday. I am taking one class for each of the two summer sessions, 2 online classes and 2 regular classes for the fall semester. It's hard to believe that the first summer session is only a month and 1/2 away and we finally had the first nice weather (besides the flukey days in February/early March) yesterday. Although it is supposed to rain at least a little bit every day as far as the forecast stretches.

Which leads me to my next topic-golf. I'm really happy that my husband has a hobby that he likes, that isn't as self destructive as past hobbies. He also made a friend who shares the interest that lives nearby and has a pretty open schedule so that makes me happy too, he has an outlet. At the same time...I'm going absolutely freaking insane watching the golf channel day and night and hearing about golf. He is playing multiple times in a week, or at least at the driving range. When he can't make it away from our house, he is in the front yard chipping or putting. I mean really, calm down Tiger! He has such an addictive personality that he gets the tunnel vision whenever he is interested in anything. I've seen him take a liking to many things since I met him almost 8 years ago... his "souped up" Civic, motorcyles, guns and reloading bullets, and golf. I love my hubby, but even if he finds a new show that he likes...we have to watch every single episode available on demand in the quickest fashion. It shouldn't be a race.

Doesn't look like his plans for Monday will be pushed back at all though. That's a blog I'm not quite ready for though.

And finally, Happy 50th Birthday to my Daddy, Jeffery Leese today. I couldn't have asked for a better father!

1 comment:

  1. Oh and his brief affair with baking cookies. He baked cookies like daily for like a week until we ran out of ingredients!
