Friday, April 15, 2011

3 is the Magic Number!

Today is day one of Jenny Craig for me. It's going ok so far... the breakfast was french toast with fresh berries, and some light syrup. It was pretty yummy. Then around mid morning you are supposed to eat an anytime bar if you are feeling hungry at all, which I was- plus Archer was being extra fussy (due to his teething)and the idea of chocolate sounded pretty good. It was actually tasty too. Just finished my lunch too, and I ate all of it- even the peas which I do not normally like. Mixed together with the corn and mashed potatoes (and there was chicken and cheese as well) I couldn't really pick out the flavor of the peas. And a tropical fruit cup packed in juice. So far so good... now about exercising... haven't done any of that except for all the pacing and walking I do with Archie on a daily basis. I am pleasantly surprised by the taste of the food... I did nutrisystem after I had Riley and it was just disgusting. Although, I am pretty picky. The main thing about the program that I like so far is how nice everybody is at the center, and that the food is all prepackaged and basically doesn't require thought. I'm way too busy to prepare a separate meal for everyone in the house (the boys don't like the same kinds of foods for the most part, Zach is a very peppery and oniony type of guy and the boys don't like that-neither do I. Plus veggies are a struggle enough without feeding the boys corn for every meal!). So it is nice that everything is ready and I don't have to think about it, plus they are labeled by what type of meal as well (lunch, dinner, snack, breakfast) so you don't have to even think about the actual calories depending on what kind of mood you are in- so I like that as well-it's all interchangeable. Obviously the one negative point is the price....

Which brings me to the next new thing... I'm on the job hunt for a weekends only kinda job to bring in some extra cash for the next 6 months while I try to lose this weight. I applied at a few different places yesterday, and already I have one interview set up for Tuesday. Hoping this pans out and quick, because otherwise Jenny Craig does not really fit into my budget at all! And I really want to stick with this program so a part time job is a necessary thing.

Which brings me to my third thing... I have been back and forth and on the fence for awhile about classes and what I want to do with my life. So far I took some generic classes that could go to pretty much any degree at HACC (with some transfer credits from my first attempt at college straight outta HS) but I know I no longer want to be an ultrasound tech which was what my major was when I decided to go back, and I love English and was thinking about an English degree which then I could go back and get my masters so I could be a librarian which would be a dream job for a bookworm like me. I don't want to be in school for the next 3 years trying to get the english degree and then more school after that...all while just spending money and not bringing any in! So I started thinking of trade schools which led me to my third decision...went to a meeting yesterday and signed up for classes that start June 27th to be a massage therapist. I hesitate to even mention this because a lot of people don't think that I follow through with anything, but the process will be over 17 months after it starts and then I can be a financial contributer with flexible hours that fit around my family's schedule. I will be able to decide as my classes near completion what kind of route I want to go...whether it be the more medical route working in a chiropractors office, or the more resorty route working at a spa or a hotel. I would also have the choice of whether or not I wanted to freelance out of my home or even start a business (wow, that sounds like a lot of work!).

So basically a lot of changes, but I think they are all good ones that will make me happier. I haven't been in a dark place, per say, but I haven't been in the best of moods and I needed to start with something that is for me- and the confidence from bettering myself will better everyone in the family.


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