Thursday, March 17, 2011


Declan didn't sleep through the night until he was 18 months old. The first month and a half of his life was spent sleeping in someone's arms, until I finally ignored all the warnings and put my over-sized infant to bed on his belly. Then he slept for 3-4 hours straight between feedings. The pressure on his belly was what he wanted...and I'm afraid it's what Archer wants too. I haven't put him down to sleep on his tummy because it's almost like I am afraid he will break even though I know he is 100% healthy now and has no more chance of developing health problems than any other baby. Someone suggested I read the baby whisperer book on my FB wall and my dad promptly had it shipped to my house. After reading through it last night, I was armed for bedtime with a few tricks up my sleeve. (For those of you who have read the book- Archie falls under the category of the Spirited baby.)

First, I wrapped him tighter in his swaddling blanky. I waited til his eyelids were extremely heavy, but still fluttering open and closed and then laid him down in his bassinet, told him I was nearby, and held my breath. He slept for three hours before waking up hungry. For all but one wakeup, this worked like a charm. The time that didn't work, I had run down to the kitchen to drop off some used bottles and grab a drink for myself. When I came back in the room, Archer was no longer in his bassinet but in Zach's arms. Zach was already half asleep again and claimed he was fussing for a long time. Um, I was literally gone for 2 minutes tops. I asked him to please not grab him right away (there was no way he woke up screaming bloody murder immediately- the door was open to our bedroom and there is no way I wouldn't have heard him crying AT ALL) the first time he makes a little cry or fidgety fussy noise. Archer was already asleep again, so he couldn't have been that upset. Zach then hands him back to me and rolls over and goes back to sleep. I must admit I was furious. I read him excerpts from the book and told him what I wanted to try that night and he just didn't even try to help. Was it an overreaction of mine when I told him he needed to sleep on the couch if he was going to be bothered by little cries? I am not trying to hold the baby all the time- love him to pieces, but he IS my third baby and I am exhausted at the end of the day and want to at least get the three hours in a row on my OWN. Is that selfish? I mean maybe he should hold him all night if that is the way he wants to raise him....right?

Most of the time, things are calm and becoming smoother around here...balancing and juggling that is. There are still moments of stress, but overall I feel like I can do this. I guess I better feel that way- I AM doing this!


  1. I know what you are saying, I feel like i can't even let Kassie one her own for a minute because if i let her cry even a little josh is right there picking her up. I've been sleeping with Kassie in my arms and i'm ready to get her in her bassinet. so far the only thing that has worked is bright lights and noise, once lights are out even if the noise is still going she starts fussing.
    I don't think it's selfish at all for you to want to be able to sleep without holding a baby. You get better sleep that way and then are better able to take care of your family.
    I don't know how I'm going to do it this time, with the other two, Josh was at work at bedtime and so I could let them cry it out a little until they got used to sleeping on their Josh is always home at bedtime...this is going to be harder.

  2. We have to sleep with the tv on low in our bedroom, he likes light and sounds. I started out watching infomercials, but now I have fallen in love with the jewelry channel. I didn't even realize there was a channel like that! It cracks me up, some of the stuff is just so weird looking and the host of the show gushes over it like it is amazing. It's the little things I guess!
    Same thing with me as far as Zach being around at bedtime...I like having him around more with the workers comp injury, but at the same time there is some stuff I could definitely use a break from Zach for-like a crying baby who needs left alone to figure it out for himself!

  3. When we had issues with Rowan not sleeping in his crib Matt was the one who wanted him out so badly, yet I was the one who read the book and he refused to read it. Men. They just don't get it sometimes. It's a lot easier for them to just roll over b/c they know we HAVE to deal with it.

  4. I cant give any advice... Cole slept in our room until he was 18 months.......and when sleeping between us wasnt working i litterly moved his crib into our room so i could hawk eye him, finally at about 15-18 months he wasnt sleeping good bc he heard our every move and it bothered him and we transfered his crib to his own room... well shared with Gabby.... and i cried all night bc of it he was fine....i have no advice bc im a sucker in this dept.... i d ont know how i will handle it when i have 3rd... im not good at letting go..... but dont want a little one hanging off me 24/7... very frustrating!
