Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Strawberry Shampoo

So you know that relaxed feeling just before you fall asleep, when you aren't dreaming yet but sometimes you think of the most random things that you haven't thought of in years? Last night the thing that popped into my head was Suave Strawberry Shampoo/Conditioner. I hope they still make it, because there is nothing I want more than to locate and use some.

That's it for my random piece of this blog. Sadly, I woke up this morning and thought to myself that I didn't remember sending Riley to his room yesterday. Has it gotten that bad, that it is strange to me when a day goes by where he isn't backtalking and suffering the consequences for that? I'm just going to hope he is turning over a new leaf and finally making the connection that behavior is directly related to punishments/rewards.

Declan is becoming an avid golfer, like Daddy. The two of them are practicing their putting in the living room with the automatic ball return gizmo Zach made the mistake of letting Dec know he has. Now, it's all he's interested in... which you would think would make Zach feel happy and honored- in reality, he doesn't like to share since he is really trying to improve his game. He has it in his head that he will be a pro golfer if he keeps up his practicing. (Anytime Zach is interested in anything, he becomes a little OCD with it. I've seen this happen with cars, motorcycles, guns/reloading bullets, and now golf.)

And, now the youngest. Archer is fussy every evening at 7, 7:30 and it lasts until at least 9 pm. It's at this time that all the regular tricks don't work, and I'm pretty sure he is overstimulated, because his first sleep is always much longer than the rest of the night. Normally he sleeps for 3- 3 1/2 hours the first time through, then it turns into 2 1/2, 3 if you're lucky for the rest of the night. However, last night it was 2 hours max between wakeups. Hubby brought me chocolate and Pepsi Max and I'm doing the best I can. I'm actually not that grouchy about it now, although it is frustrating that Archie is now snoozing away, but I can't get any rest since Declan is pretty much an attention hog when he has nobody else to compete with. Not that I blame him, but can't we snuggle together on the couch??

I think I am getting the hang of the routine though, and ready to immerse myself back in the land of adults. I had a tastefully simple open house, wasn't a huge turnout since many people didn't come because they or someone in their home had germies they didn't want to share with our fam, especially Archer. I do appreciate that, but having an open house is a lot of work and there are SO MANY leftovers. Still, it was a small success and it was nice to do something that was for me, and not directly for one of my kiddos or my husband. This week, I plan to actually leave the house for dinner without feeling guilty...although it is hard not to feel that guilt when I know what it is like dealing with Archer in the evenings.

Still, we are all healthy and that is something to be thankful for...so many of my friends are dealing with medical health issues and I can't imagine what that must be like on top of the other everyday stresses of young children. My heart goes out to these people, even though we have our own problems which are always just a date on the calendar growing closer. We have been lucky so far, but I know that will eventually run out and I don't want to think about that.

One final thing, my brother stayed overnight in the hospital on the cardiac floor after being rushed by ambulance there from his regular doctor. They have done multiple tests and I am hoping they find some answers and that isn't anything too serious. I know he has a lot of stress in his life, too. Don't we all?

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