Monday, March 28, 2011

Overstimulated, underenthused.

Things are basically in a routine's not a routine that I exactly like, but it could be labeled a routine since it is pretty much always the same each day. Here it is:
(and I am starting at the time the alarm goes off)

6:45 am: Alarm goes off. This is pretty much the afterglow of the last feeding of the nightshift where I wake with him in the crook of my arm snuggled against me. It is next to impossible to turn the alarm clock off without disturbing Archer, but sometimes I am successful.

6:45-7:20 : Rush around getting Riley dressed, his backpack packed up with his lunchbox, his belly fed. By 7, I am back in the room creeping around trying not to wake the baby BUT wake Zach, who at least can dress himself without complaining too much.

7:30 : Riley leaves for school with Zach, if Archer isn't already awake, he wakes up and so does Declan...usually at the exact same time. Everybody wants fed. Cartoons go on for Dec.

8-12. Archer falls back asleep about 3 times. 2 times for 20-30 minutes and one time for an hour max. This is not enough sleep for his age group, and he is a bit grouchy.

12-2 Figure out how to feed Declan lunch when Archie is being super fussy. Usually end up pushing him back and forth in his stroller, unless Zach or my MIL are here to help by holding him. If it's a T/R, then Dec heads off to preschool with Zach. Yes, I am incredibly lucky that he is on disability right now and able to do all these school runs! At some point, usually more towards 2, Archer drops off completely exhausted after a feeding of some type. At this point he may sleep for 1-2 hours.

3-5 Riley comes home from school (and Dec if he had preschool) and it gets pretty loud. If Archer's nap is crappy, this is undoubtedly why. Try to get homework out of the way and if it's not too chilly, boys outside with Daddy for a little fresh air.

5-7. Dinner, and usually a little videogame or tv time for the older boys. Every other day, unless incredibly dirty, they get a bath around 6:45.

7-7:30 Bedtime for Riley and Declan, Archer starts to fuss.

7:30-10ish Archer fusses. We pass him back and forth, take turns singing to him, and he eventually drops off, exhausted. Until he falls asleep, his eyes look like they are bulging out of his skull. He is WIDE AWAKE and HYPER ALERT.

10-6:45: I sleep in mini two hour increments. He was waking up closer to three hours apart, but since he had the little cold, he is back to every two because of all the snot sucking that was going on. He normally goes right back down, unless he makes a poop in the night, then it takes a little bit more finesse. There is rarely any fussing though.

I hate to sound like I'm complaining, I know he is a true blessing. I just wish he was a true blessing that wasn't so stressful. I think if he was my first baby, he might be my last! Riley and Declan were never this fussy. I have been doing some reading about it, and I think Archer falls into the colic category. I hope that is true, because then it could be over sooner than later. I like to think he feels safe with us, and the fact that it is the same window of time makes me think it might be colic. The way his little eyes seem propped open point to overstimulated and just plain exhausted. He does have beautiful propped open eyes though.

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