Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Sitting around and waiting til I can go back up to feed Archer again...for the last time while I am a patient here. I hate that I can't just hold him while he's sleeping (even though I scolded everyone who did that with Declan-who ended up unable to sleep unless someone was holding him due to spoiling while in the hospital. Declan was unable to sleep in baby swings, bouncers or even in the moving car. Definitely not in a crib or bassinet! It was someone's arms or nothing. ) Sometimes I'm in the way, or they are doing something with another baby nearby and I come back to my room and watch the clock. And I did just have a baby- so I do need to sit down and relax from time to time. I wish he could relax with me.

Last night was a little rough. We decided before I went to sleep that Zach would go up for his midnight feeding and I would sleep and then take care of the next one. At quarter til one Zach wakes me in a tizzy. His IV wasn't flushing and they couldn't give him his antibiotics, so they were attempting a new IV line. Which just wasn't working. Zach was pretty much ejected from the room because he couldn't handle all the needles poking his son. So I had to go back up there with him so he didn't get thrown out of the hospital- he is the most overprotective parent when it comes to that sort of thing. He's never been able to watch the boys gets shots without getting really pissed off, either. Zach had to be hospitalized when he was in 5th grade and he remembers a traumatic tale of getting a feeding tube put in that just wasn't working. They kept doing it, the whole situation was escalating and it ended up there was a much easier way to take care of what needed to be done. So this is the mantra he is living by, that they should be able to give Archer his antibiotic in a different form. Which by the way, they ended up doing but it isn't as potent when given as a shot and can be very painful. As if the constant jabbing and failed attempts at the IV weren't painful.

He slept well after we finally left at 2:30. Needless to say, I feel more like I have a newborn now. Pretty tired today, and feeling guilty because I fell back asleep after they came in for my 5 am vitals. I meant to go up and feed him. Turns out he was getting some tests then anyway, but I felt like I cheated by getting those extra two hours before I went up.

He was moved to a crib room sometime after 2:30 am, which is a step in the right direction. I am going up in a little bit to see what the doctors at rounds have to say about his current condition/expected release date.

Also very excited about the free double electric breast pump I just received. Apparently covered by my insurance 100%. Yay :) I never thought I would be using one of these, but I also never thought I'd have a post term baby in the NICU either.

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweetie... I know it is rough. My niece was born at 39w5d and she was in the NICU as well. It happens. I couldn't handle the needles and procedures, and I used to draw blood from pigs. Chip had to go with L when he had his GI study done. It's hard to see them in the NICU with all the wires and monitors. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I wouldn't wish a NICU stay on my worst enemy.
