Monday, May 9, 2011


I haven't blogged about my hubby's hand in awhile, so it's necessary that I update you on his current prognosis. He is STILL on light duty (and his line of work doesn't ever have light duty available) and receiving the flat rate workers comp check every week. It's not much to live on, there's no opportunity to get overtime and it just sucks. That's one of the reasons I've decided to go to a technical school as opposed to picking up again with my college classes in the fall... I have way too much school left to do and especially working around my busy schedule as a mom of 3. I needed a program that is always the same time so I know when I need someone to be with the boys and exactly when I will be done with classes (March of 2013). With this particular degree, I will be able to go whichever direction I choose-be it the spa route, the personal business route, or the chiropractor/therapy/medical route. Which again, will give me flexibility to be what my main job will always be: a mom.

But back to the hand...

It is probably never going to be able to do the things he was able to do before he was injured. He can't grasp things in his right hand still... and the grip he has now is likely the best it will ever get again. It makes me wonder just how many people are affected by injuries like this working these warehouse jobs where they don't even make that much money and then are unable to get the only kind of work they have ever done... which of course makes it hard to get into another line of work, especially since my hubby was a college dropout just like me.

I know a lot of people who did finish school that aren't doing any better...but I sure wish I had stayed in school, if it meant I still would have met Zach and then of course had my boys. Since that is something I would never change, even if it means always living paycheck to paycheck. You can't put a price on love, after all.

Many of you know that my hubby had a little trouble with the law awhile back, which also limits his job opportunities. That's why I need to finish school, start my career and be the breadwinner. I'd like to get to the point where my paychecks are what runs the household and Zach's earnings would be savings and play money. This is all several years down the road, and for now we are really lucky to have supportive family who help us out when we need it. Especially my mother in law, who opened her doors to our whole family to live here while we regroup from the crippling changes in our financial status.

I hope I'm not being too cryptic. I am annoyed when people are mysterious on facebook or in blogs, but that is everyone's personal right as well. I don't keep my secrets for myself, but for someone else who I don't want to embarrass. So if you have read this, and want more details- just ask me. I'm not ashamed of anything and I'm definitely not perfect, which I will be the first to admit.

This has been slightly liberating.

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