Sunday, May 29, 2011

sour grapes

Life is too short to spend it being miserable. I've figured this out, and I wish it would rub off on my husband. I love him, but he is the most ornery, grouchy, victimized person I know. I literally cringe when I hear his footsteps in the morning on a day like today where we didn't have anywhere to be first thing. Those footsteps are always accompanied by some type of bitter remark, as if he is persecuted. (This is what I get for allowing him to sleep in 3 extra hours that I didn't AFTER being the one that does night feedings.) He bounces back and forth between I should get a job, but yet when I am gone for a few hours (like doing a TS party), he is all but throwing the kids at me when I walk in the door!
School starts up again soon, I'm not going to have time for a job on top of taking care of three kids and schoolwork and my consulting.

Some people I know have husbands who they may not have around much longer...and no, of course I don't want that but what I do want is for him to realize that at any moment, I could be gone- and maybe then he will wish he hadn't spent our whole marriage complaining.


Side notes: Diet going great, Archie's sleeping/schedule is much better!

Have a happy memorial day, everyone!

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