Monday, May 23, 2011


Only three more days of school for Riley before his graduation on Thursday from kindergarten! I can hardly believe this, to me he will always be my baby. My other baby who is getting too big is Declan, who graduates from the terrific threes preschool program tomorrow. Heck, my actual baby is getting too big too quickly- rolling over, eating cereal, cutting teeth. He'll be 3 months old already on Saturday!

Had a fabulous weekend, my parents' kept Archer from 4 pm Saturday til 1 pm Sunday...I missed him like crazy, but we were able to focus on the older two and it was fabulous. We went and saw a movie, and then after dinner stayed up late playing the video game Riley proudly bought with the gift card he won at the track and field day raffle. After they were in bed, since my MIL was home, we went for frozen custard and some snacks and drinks with my best friend. After all of this action packed grown up time, I was still in bed by 11 and slept in until 8! I really appreciated my night off from baby duty, even when Zach does help I am still home and hear Archer crying or fussing and awake and I wouldn't be able to just sleep through that. I feel all too strongly that since I am a SAHM, it is my responsibility to be up with him- even though Zach still isn't back to work yet from his injury.

Speaking of work, I go in to talk to a guy tomorrow about a job offer. He pretty much already gave me the job, but I don't want to go too much into it yet because there are a few important dates that I definitely can't work this summer and I have to go over all of the scheduling nonsense. Don't want to jinx it, a little me money would definitely be appreciated. School starts in a month, until then I am going to enjoy as much of summer as I can with my boys, definitely not looking forward to being at school Mon-Thursday evenings, which is my favorite playtime in the summer. (Not too hot, lightning bugs anyone?)

The dieting is still going great, except of course Saturday evening but I don't even feel guilty about that- I planned to splurge so it wasn't like I just caved into some pressure and had no willpower. I had babysitters for all my munchkins and I felt like eating something extra yummy. I can still feel a difference in my body already and it hasn't even been a weak. Drinking more water, taking extra steps in a day- all positive changes, and I've found that if I eat the right kinds of things, I'm practically eating all day long and still under 1200 calories!

I have been wanting to organize my coupons for awhile, so I'm going to get on that while Archer is down for his nap- have a great day everyone!

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