Sunday, May 1, 2011


I cannot believe it is May already....already the last month of kindergarten/preschool for my big boys, Archie is smiling and just about laughing... life is amazing. Zach and I have been getting along remarkably well, after a huge blowout a week or so ago. The baby is sleeping better and pretty much on a schedule with a few surprises here and there. That definitely helps with lessening the stress, since we now know we can squeeze food, a show/movie for grownups and not starring a cartoon, and snuggling in without him waking up interrupting.

Still haven't found a job to match my limited availability, school doesn't start for another almost 2 months... life is just on cruise control right now.

Today the older boys are with my parents while Zach golfs with his cousin, and it is pretty quiet right now while Archie is napping. I cleaned the boys room (except for vacuuming since I don't want to wake the little prince) and even went through their clothes to pull out things that don't fit Declan anymore....I'm really happy I have one more little man to wear some of these items. He has so many clothes!

Riley will need some more shorts and sandals...his whole body has grown, including his feet. I am excited about him wearing a uniform for first grade, he will look so adorable.

Enough of this string of random thoughts... time to try to sneak some laundry out of my bedroom to put away in Ry and Dec's room without waking the baby!

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