Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So, I got a new job. I haven't had a job (besides Tastefully Simple consulting) since the beginning of the fall semester last year, after I quit working at The Children's Place. I finished the semester and kind of wanted a job, but doubted anyone would hire someone that far along in their pregnancy unless the place was desperate. So, I had off until Archer was born and now he is 4 months old and things at Zach's work place were not getting any better.

Zach worked 40 hours a week at his job until his hand injury the day before Halloween. Two surgeries and months of physical therapy and 8 months later, he was finally cleared to go back to work full-time. Only, the business had hired other people while he was gone and the first week he got 14 hours. The following week it was 13, and last week it was 21. Obviously, we cannot survive on this income, and with the economy being in a downward trend there was nothing legally we could do to make his boss give him his hours back, even though it would be the fair thing to do in this situation. The whole thing had him depressed and in a bitter mood all of the time, and I started filling out applications for both of us online and emailing resumes and so forth.

I had an interview last week, and was offered the full-time position today. I will explain more about the job once I have worked at it for a few days, but I think I will like it a lot. It's 40 hours a week, so I am going to be bringing home the bacon, while Zach does daddy duty at home. He is also going to look for something part-time, I think this is important because I don't want him to become demoralized by not contributing (even though I understand staying at home is MORE work sometimes) and I'll be damned if my paychecks go towards golf more than once in a great while.

I start on Thursday and I'm super excited about it...although I'm not sure how I will manage taking classes in the fall. I think it is important I get my degree, but I already had to forgo massage school because I just can't be there 20 hours a week while working 40- I would never see my kids or hubby.

Zach and Declan are off at Vacation Bible School for the third night in a row (2 more nights after this) and for the second night in a row, Riley is opting to stay at home with me. It was important to me that he try it, and he did the first night... but it is supposed to be fun. If he wasn't having fun, I wasn't going to make him go back over and over again- that's not necessary. Declan is painfully shy at times, so Zach has been volunteering to be nearby when Dec needs him. Archer is in bed (for now, anyway) and it's so peaceful I may just crack open my book. I'm on the second book of the game of thrones series and it is fantastic!!

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