Sunday, June 5, 2011


If you don't already know, we live with Zach's mom and his two brothers. There are a lot of people in this house and for the first month since the brothers have been back from college we have made it work relatively well. There's never any milk many mornings since they stay up til 5 am, and they fluctuate from scrubbing the kitchen floors in the middle night to leaving a crumby, sticky disaster on the counters. (I'll let you figure this out on your own, why they are like this.)

So yesterday, I saw one of them eating an orange creamsicle. We don't share food, everyone gets their own stuff, we keep our stuff on separate shelves in the fridge and corners in the freezer. Even though this "uncle" heard Declan asking me about the creamsicle that he was eating, I told him loudly that those weren't ours and that mommy would get him a box at the store.

I go to the grocery store and am home around 9pm, put the stuff away. Come down this morning and I noticed the creamsicle box in the freezer is open...oh no! I pick it up and there is ONE CREAMSICLE OUT OF 12!! WTF?? Who needs to eat that many popsicles??? I didn't let Declan have even one of their stinkin box, which by the way I saw in the trash before I even went to the grocery store. They also demolished half the box of cheezits, some of the chicken in a biscuit crackers, and quite a few of the pringles as well. We are on a fixed workers comp income for pete's sake. Don't eat all of our damn snacks. Those aren't snacks that I eat and they last an almost 4 year old and 6 year old a long time. They shouldn't disappear in the first night they are in this house.

We are lucky to have a home to live in, and I know when we moved here everyone had to adjust but I thought we all did a great job of working together before they came back. One of them is set to graduate after taking a class at hacc in the fall and the other one isn't even going back to school, so there isn't even a light at the end of the tunnel. I know that the food will be replaced by my MIL but all I want is just the respect we give to be returned.

They are both so touchy, that Zach won't even be able to bring it up without a huge argument breaking out. Sometimes I wish I could fastforward time...

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